DigiPaint and it's future

You've maybe seen me hide DigiPaint a few times from download. It's because I do have anxiety from it for two reasons: I am using a game making language called Game Maker Studio / Game Maker Language. It feels odd and I feel that I can't rely on this language for too long. Secondly, things do get changed a lot in GMS. For example, the cursor is messed up now. What will be next? These things make me stressed out and that's why I don't know if I want to continue DigiPaint or hide it. Coding is also very exhausting some times and some of you might recognize waking up in the morning and feeling like a perfectionist in depression, because it needs to get better, every patch. It needs to evolve.

I'm not mad or sad about it. It's called Game Maker for a reason and well that's the only code language I know. I'll keep lurking around on it until I feel that it's safe to work on DigiPaint. But right now, it's a big mess. 

Have a piece of peace. See you all.

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